Coaching Inormation & Clinics

Here is a link to Coaches Plan Magazine to help you plan your practices: Coaches Plan Magazine


The following are the baseball coaching clinics in the central Alberta area:


Initiation Coach Clinic                      April 4/2020, 10 am                     Camrose, AB - Our Lady of Mount Pleasant School                 $50


Teaching and Learning Clinic          April 4/2020, 2:30pm                   Camrose, AB - Our Lady of Mount Pleasant School                 $50


Planning Clinic                                   April 5/2020, 8:30am                    Camrose, AB - Our Lady of Mount Pleasant School                 $50


Absolutes Clinic                                 April 5/2020, 1:00pm                    Camrose, AB - Our Lady of Mount Pleasant School                 $50



Please check Baseball Coach Clinic List for Alberta for an updated list.





Please follow the following link for the Softball Coaching Clinics in Alberta:    Softball Coaching Clinics




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